Thursday, November 18, 2010

Class Exercise 6 - Appropriation and its legal implication

NM3223 Appropriation vs Copyright Exercise

1. Is the strategy of appropriation conflicting with the copyright legislation in your school?

Yes they are conflicting because NUS emphasizes on plagiarism and citing of courses. Academic honesty is expected of students in NUS. Materials that we use can only be used for academic research, learning and teaching purpose. Moreover, NUS is also conscious of its image, appropriation may lead to court issues that damage the NUS image.

2. How do you find the process of applying the strategy of appropriation in your work?

It gives you convenience and saves a lot of trouble. Instead of coming out the work ourselves, we can just search for photos, and original works online and use it for your own work.

However, there are some moral conflicts involved in which appropriators does not give credit to original authors. As potential artistes and photographers, we understand that we wouldn’t want to see our works being appropriated without any credit. If that happens, it appears as though our creative hard work’s value is diminished, to the point that anyone can do anything to it.

3. Will you consider using the strategy of appropriation (if applicable) in your future work (beyond NUS)

Yes, our group has come to a common agreement of considering the usage of appropriation in our future work to a certain extent. Some of the usage will be for Parody or satirical purpose in order to express our opinions on different issues.

However, appropriation is rather limited for commercial purpose if we are working for a company & the works are for sale.

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