Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Class Exercise 5 - Appropriation

caption: There would have been MINE —-diamonds from Africa

this week's class was on appropriation. we were supposed to come up with a "mash-up" that's provocative about the topic that we got: jacuzzi...

it was so difficult to be provocative, i must say.. haha...

what can we think of when we see the word jacuzzi? i think of a rich man indulging himself in it, enjoying every moment of it. when we think of rich, we think of money, jewelery, gold, etc... we wanted to express the income gap between the rich and poor, therefore initially we wanted a picture of a rich man in the jacuzzi, bathing in diamonds, while poor kids from Africa looked at him through the window.
however jing reminded us that this would be too conventional. therefore she suggested us to put the african kid in the diamond jacuzzi instead. this would portray the irony more, and it is actually more through provoking.

lastly, we also wanted to place a pile of diamonds with the company DeBeer at the side of the jacuzzi. we wanted to show the inner voice of the african. the irony that he was the one who extracted these diamonds, but yet he cannot own them.

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