Thursday, November 18, 2010

Final Project

In this real world, we are never rulers of our own selves. Our minds and our bodies, they are all controlled by the outside world, by every other person.
We are so occupied with how we want others to look at us, that we often lose track of our own inner minds and hearts.

We want to be fashionable.
We want to look good.
We want to be thin, pretty, hunky, handsome.

We do things that are unnatural to our bodies to make ourselves “look good” in other people’s eyes.
The following few pictures conveys humans’ maniac and obsession, all in the pursuit of “FASHION” and “BEAUTY”.

The above image portrays the clothing dilemma that most of us face everyday. we want to look good, therefore we have to plan our outfit well everyday. This is a headache, especially for someone who has TOO MANY clothes, like me.

The above picture is talking about the diets that one undertakes to become thinner. He refuses to eat anything because he wants to lose weight and look good.

This shows the cutting of fat, which symbolizes liposuction, a procedure that many people undergo to make themselves thin.

Thread and needles. To symbolize plastic surgery that people undergo to beautify themselves.

Plasters. We often try to squeeze ourselves into shoes that don't fit, therefore bringing only injuries to ourselves. this applies to real life too. we try to fit ourselves into other people's eyes, and we do what we are expected to do. Eventually, bringing hurt to ourselves.

Iron. We want washboard/ironing board abs. Can we achieve this by ironing our bodies? NO.

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