Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Assignment 4

A4 requires us to submit one high-key and one low-key photo.
it's really hard to differentiate high-key vs over exposure initially. but after a few tries... to me, high-key is more artistic than over exposure..

high key
taken with Canon EOS 500D, f/4, 1/25s, ISO-800, at 27mm focal length

i actually quite like this picture. it's what i normally eat in the mornings. haha but something funny about it is that it is cereal in a campbell soup bowl -__-''' my friends noticed that too.

critique: the bowl is a bit too low for it to be in the focus. and the cereal in the bowl is also out of focus. i should move the bowl up a bit and focus on the cereal instead of the bowl.

Low key
taken with Canon EOS 500D, f/5.6, 1/40s, ISO-1600, at 55mm focal length

i have to say taking low key pictures are so much harder than high key. in low key, we still have to consider the angle of light, and the angle of the camera, plus the amount of light that comes in. etc etc. difficult~ i think this picture is not good enough. there were a few pictures that i really liked that were shown in class.

critique: looks like a product advertisement. but OK.




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