Thursday, September 23, 2010

For this week's critique session we were supposed to choose the best picture for each category from our group.. there they are:

best zoom

this is done by yingqi. we liked it because of the interesting zoom effects it has on the flower. i never thought of doing it on a flower before too... the composition is also not bad in this picture.

best close up

this is my picture. we liked it because of the colours in the pictures. it is very vibrant. and also it was not obvious that its a lamp.

best smile

This is done by yingqi again. we all thought it represents "smile" nicely as most girls can go crazy over dessert. we all like desserts too, and the picture made us smile when we looked at it. it's attractive. and also, the composition is good.

best perspective

this picture is done by yeechuan. we thought the reflection of the building in the glass panel was cool, as it completed the building. perspective wise we thought it could have been better, but we really liked this picture. the composition here is not bad too.

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